Tuesday, September 13, 2011

PBL: Problem- or Project-Based Learning?

This fall I joined a book study for project/problem based learning.  The focus is on creating meaningful essential questions to guide students to learn.  We are following the Buck Institute for Education's (BIE) ideas about how to get PBL going at our school.  Check it out HERE.  Learn more by watching this quick Common Craft video that explains what PBL is.

1 comment:

  1. Johnna,
    I use PBL ALL OF THE TIME in my classes. I love it and I feel that the students get so much more of an authentic experience out of it. Most of the time my assessments for units are not multiple tests or quizzes, but projects graded on a rubric. The students have so much more freedom on how to show their learning with project based learning.
