Monday, September 19, 2011

Clickers in the K-2 Classroom

Who says Clickers can only be for the upper grades?  Not me!  I started using Clickers with my five-year-olds on Week 2 of Kindergarten.  Only three of them can already read, but they all know A, B, C and 1, 2, 3.  This year I took extra time to make sure they really understood the backspace icon (curly arrow) vs. the enter icon (angular arrow).  Yes, that is a big set back if you don't take the time to frontload.  I started out slow by having them answer color questions as a group.  I use Power Point for CPS (v. 6.71 is the latest) to create all of my sessions because I can easily copy and paste images from Google into the slides.  My goal is to use Clickers with my students at least once a week for an informal assessment.  All day I lunch I heard, "When are we doing the remote things again?"  Have you tried in your room yet?

Borrowed from UNF


  1. I am impressed Johnna! Using Clickers with uppergrades is diffcult and for you to get your Kindergartners using this is amazing! Usually something malfunctions or students do not listen to the directions of how to work them and it can turn out to be a real disaster. I am going to share the link you posted with my inclusion teachers...they may find it helpful.

    Hopefully this comment will post...I tried last week and it did not work :(

  2. I love the clickers. They are definitely a quick and easy way to take an informal assessment. My problem is I don't take enough time to program in the lesson or question nor pass out the clickers to get the students to use them. But you've given me some more motivation to do so!

  3. CPS for PowerPoint makes it SO much easier. I can make up questions in 10 minutes or less. I also make sure Child #1 in my class always gets Clicker #1. As soon as they walk in the door, they grab their Clicker.
