Friday, September 23, 2011

iPads in the Classroom

Need more ways to use your iPad in the classroom?  Check out 58 Interesting Ways to Use an iPad in the Classroom by Tom Barrett (found on Kleinspiration--an awesome resource!).  I am looking into Story Buddy, Finger Count, and iTranslate TODAY!


  1. Johnna,
    Do these resources work well even if you only have one iPad? Some of them look like they might work better with a classroom set instead of just one or two. Amazing how many things can be done with just one device!

  2. This is great! I have some of these already and I totally found about 3-5 more I am going to download tonight! Thanks for this.

  3. This really makes me want an Ipad. I do not have one or any to use at school, but this site had some great ideas.

  4. Kurt, of course the iPad is best for the individual, but I try to build in times throughout the day that students have periods of time that they can create a puppet show or draw their favorite character. Not every child gets time each day, and that will always bug me. Maybe iPad 1s will decrease in price, and I can buy some more.
