Saturday, October 15, 2011

Dot Sub Translation Tool

Dot Sub is an online translation tool that lets users subtitle any movie in any language.  Users can work together to transcribe movie files, and privacy settings can share movies with friends or the world. Although the user must type the captions for different frames, Dot Sub will translate it.  I can use this with my student who speaks a very uncommon language, but I can see this being beneficial for Spanish teachers and other foreign language teachers.


  1. This seems to be a great tool. I could see foreign language teachers really benefiting from this tool in helping students learn a second language. I cannot really think of a use for my students with this tool. Any suggestions?

  2. This is really cool. I have used iTranslate with students before but always had problems when we did things in class involving videos. Awesome

  3. This looks like a great tool. I am going to share it with our ELL teacher. I think it will be a useful resource for many of the students that she works with.

  4. I know a student with special needs and a language barrier. This would be a great help in reinforcing classroom concepts. For special education, it may help reinforce Spanish vocabulary.
