Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Digital Storytelling with Little Bird Tales

Last week, I added to another grad student's wiki entry about the positive benefits of using digital storytelling with students learning English. The best thing about digital storytelling is that all students can learn through this form of writing.  You can check out my entry here at Web 4 All LearnersLittle Bird Tales is a site that offers a place for children to create stories and record their own narration (or add text, or both!).  Children can upload their own artwork or pictures.  One of my favorite highlights of this site is that it is free of advertising.


  1. Love this resource! You always find the best free tools for diverse learners. I am definitely going to try this with my students.

  2. Free of advertising is always a plus. It is SO hard to find ANY web 2.0 tools that are free that don't have some type of advertising. I don't like the ones that have ads that are kind of sketchy that you wouldn't want your students to see.....

  3. This is really cool. I am keeping a 2 1/2 year old in December. I can't wait to make a book with him about his visit to share with his parents when they get home. I wonder if older students could use it to make a book about geometry terms or if they would think it is too babyish.
