Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Common Core Phenomenon

When have all the states been in agreement on anything in education? Well, here is the beginning of a new era. The Common Core Standards are here. Gone are the days where students in Alabama learn completely different material than in Georgia or Arkansas.  Now educators are tied to a common language and common standards across the US.  We are finally uniting on what we want our students to know.  Only six states have not adopted the Common Core Standards.  Surprisingly, Texas is not on board yet; usually they are innovators in educational programs and initiatives.

Borrowed from Common Core
This Monday, teachers from our school system got together to discuss the new standards and deepen our understanding of how they were developed.  We will implement the new standards beginning next year. 

1 comment:

  1. This should be very interesting when we switch to common core standards. I am sure it is going to diffcult because each grade level will be asked to deconstruct our common standards which I know was a very tedious process the last time!
