Thursday, June 24, 2010

Practicing Embedding Vokis

Well, it took me nearly two hours to figure out how to embed a Voki in my google sites page, so I want to be sure I can easily add it to a blog. To add it to the google site, I couldn't just copy the code from the Voki site (and there are about 10 different embedding code options!). I ended up going to YouTube, copying an embed code for a video, pasting it into Notepad, and replacing the YouTube http:// address with the http:// address from the Voki code. It worked! However, it opens just fine in Fire Fox--no luck with Internet Explorer. I guess there is a plug-in missing or it blocks it for some reason.

So this time I am trying to add it here. The first time I tried to embed it, I used the suggested code. No luck. The suggested My Space code did work, and I used my "html knowledge" to center it! By the way, my voice recording on my laptop was really fuzzy, so I just typed it in and had the girl read it (kind of funny). If it works for you in Internet Explorer, let me know! And if you know how to fix that, let me know!

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