Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Blogging in Kindergarten

Hmmm... I'm trying to decide how I want to use blogging next year with my class. I see it as an easy way to keep parents informed about things going on in the classroom, but I want the children to be involved as well. I was searching for some good ideas and ran across Mrs. Knee's Kinderkids Blog. I am obsessed with all of the unique slide shows and vodcasts she has posted such as the Clustr Maps showing the locations of all blog visitors, Animoto picture shows, One True Media, Flickr shows, Picture Trails, and Rock You slides. She also has some really cool ideas about collaborating on world-wide projects which makes blogging more interactive.

I still wondering how she added the children's blogs (on the right side) with their own Voki introductions and current projects. When does she have time to let the students create all of the pictures and recordings? And when does she compile all of the various slide shows and upload all of the files??

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